Van Dyk's

We Accept Cash Only
ATM on premises
Cones - Cups - Pints
Quarts - Sundaes - Milk Shakes - Cakes
145 Ackerman Avenue
Ridgewood, NJ
"Bergenites have been screaming over Van Dyke's Ice Cream for more than 40 years - and with a mix of traditional
(vanilla and chocolate) and hard-to-find (cotton candy and peppermint stick) flavors, it's easy to see why. One scoop or two, waffle cone or cup, this Ridgewood staple serves sweet treats any way you want. That's why people of all
ages from all corners of the county come here to cool off - so much that the parking is typically always full on a hot day".
- Bergen Magazine 9/18

"Van Dyke's Ice Cream seems like a little time machine into summers past. Tucked into a small side street in Ridgewood, Van Dyke's overflows in the summer with ice cream lovers of all ages, who come not only for the range of flavors - everything from Nutella to apple pie - but to taste the homemade creaminess that bursts in every bite. Don't expect luxury - there are long lines; no seats and the parking lot is a bit of an obstacle course - but do expect joy; every single person there has a deliriously happy ice cream infused smile on his or her face. If your next dinner party is all figured out except for the dessert, you can stop by Van Dyke's for a pint or two of rum raisin ice cream, and I guarantee that
your dinner party will wrap of deliciously." - The Record